Was there really a month of March? I think that I must have lost it somewhere, I guess that I was just too busy to notice it’s passing. I remember the tease of new buds and the rush to get my pruning finished, I remember the blooming splendour of Magnolias everywhere and wondering if, as last year a sneaky frost would spoil the spectacle. I remember too the first run over the lawn, the cough and splutter of the machine, chomping off six months of growth. That first cut is brutal and there is real joy as nature addresses mans savagery and restores order. In my case bare patches were highlighted and there is still time to sprinkle seed and bring about some repair. I will just scratch the gaps with a rake, sprinkle some seed and then tramp it in. April’s a great gardening month, the clocks have changed and the extended light brings new enthusiasm. The buds are popping everywhere and life is returning. The tulips are standing tall and poised to open and summer bulbs are being popped in to bring August colour.
I have some new Gladioli to drop in and introducing Eucomis. It is an interesting subject to consider, it looks exotic with stems carrying pineapple like crowns of creamy flower and it isn’t difficult. The bulbs can be dropped in at about four inches and they will just get on with it. I am tucking into summer bedding sowing now too, with some bits going straight to the ground and others onto the windowsill. Almost any flowers can be sown this month, but consider the placement, some subjects will need to be protected initially.
In the vegetable garden planting continues too and all of my spuds will make it to the ground in the coming days and I have some cabbage and lettuce plants to pop in. I am going to have a play with some vegetables in flower pots, there are a good range of seeds available for small space gardening, you just harvest smaller. Most seed companies are now offering a range and from previous experience I can report that carrots in pots are great. Ideally sow your choices into 10 or 12 inch pots.
And finally, this year I am encouraging people to have a go with Sunflowers. It’s a small gesture, but the Sunflower is the National flower of the Ukraine and I want to display my support. Seed is very cheap, make a statement and find a space.
Happy Gardening.
Chris Evans
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