The year has turned and already the first page of the new calendar is folded from view and the Spring draws closer. January was an interesting test for anything stored, with conditions at times really quite bleak, the penetrating frosts seeking out all that was sheltering. Every time I opened a door, I could hear the hum of a boiler somewhere on the site as we kept the chill from first sowings and potato stock. Good gardeners know that brighter days are ahead, and it was joyous to witness visitors armed with notebook shopping lists. Conversations through frosty breath as ideas and guidance were shared.
February is always a month for gambling, I do love to try and get some seed underway, and some hardy annuals and vegetables can be started, though ideally with some protection. So pinches can be sown on window sills or in a cold frame or greenhouse. I have some cabbage, cauli and lettuce underway in trays and a few peas and broad beans in cells. I have also sown some sweet peas in pots, as well as pinches of Cosmos, Calendula and Dianthus. If you have some heat, then begonias and busy Lizzies both have long germination times. If you sow either of these or perhaps some Antirrhinums be aware that the seeds are small and can be surface sown and covered with polythene. Don’t bury them under compost or you are likely to loose them.
On milder days Onion sets, shallots, garlic and rhubarb crowns can all go into the soil.
The movement of trees and shrubs can also continue this month. Both container grown items and bare rooted subjects will transfer easily and they will romp as we move into March and the ground warms.
If you are looking for a bit of early colour then shop around for spring bulbs in pots. Many centres will have dwarf daffodils, Snowdrops, Aconites and Bluebells available in leaf, in pots and ready to bloom. This is the time to check out summer bulbs if you want to be sure of getting choice. Dahlias, Gladioli, Tuberous Begonias, lilies and Agapanthus are all available now. Some can be started in large pots and others will go in the ground within the next few weeks. The planting season for bulbs extends across three months, so always check packets for guidance.
And finally, get that lawnmower ready, the grass is on the move.
Happy Gardening.
Chris Evans
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