May rolls away, a muddled month, disrupted by Bank holidays and frost. Gardening confidence stayed high and lively throughout though, whilst on a daily basis, we (growers) tripped in and out covering and protecting as the teatime news indicated another after dark crash of temperature. It was all very wearing, the tease of nature changing it’s mind. As we move on into June we can proceed almost without caution, planting out the tenderer vegetables and bedding with the confidence that it will perform.
So Marrows, Squash and cucumbers as well as beans can all be put out. Begonias and Busy Lizzies too. I had amazing results from tomatoes outdoors last year, with a harvest that carried through to the end of September. Find a warm sheltered corner and providing you keep up the watering you will reap the harvest. If you are modest with feeding you will even end up with something that tastes like a tomato. Do try and pop in a few herbs this year to compliment your veg, Basil is easy from seed and brings something special to chopped tomatoes and Coriander is great for adding an exotic tang to stews and curries. To keep your herbs rolling, pick off any flowers that might appear. These two plants surrender quickly to the call of the afterlife once they have flowered. Once the borders are planted its all about maintenance, grubbing out weeds which are spurred by your watering, feeding and tidying contained plants and regularly running the mower around. Remember to support tall plants, many grow quickly this month and without help will tumble and break. Tread the ground around taller items, especially winter vegetables which have a long journey ahead. Your efforts now will ensure a robust future. Sprouts in particular get very top heavy. Whilst it always seems silly to be talking about sprouts, there are other plans to be put in place for the seasons ahead. Wall flower seed can be sown now to get robust plants for the autumn as indeed can winter pansy and viola seed. Just find a bit of light shade to give seedlings a chance and you will be set when the summer closes.
And finally continue to sow salad bits, they will all come quickly and give a succession that will supplement the summer Barbeque.
Happy Gardening.
Chris Evans
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